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Equity In Action Logo

A Social Action Initiative

An alliance between 9Paths, and the Urban League of Middle Tennessee offers a holistic strategy on bridging the gap in advancement and visibility of African Americans in two business areas; in Corporate America and the small business community.

Nashville, nicknamed the “It City,” is a fast-growing city and desirable market that is catching the eyes of high-profile individuals and corporate executives who are looking for an opportunity to increase their diversity and inclusion goals. Equity in Action offers Corporate-America the methodology to improve diversity and inclusion through an equitable lens.  Nashville is also home to a growing entrepreneurial community of African American small business owners. Equity in Action offers African American small business owners the opportunity to partner with influential business leaders to increase procurement and visibility within the community. A 12-month program aimed at addressing systemic racism and inequalities in Corporate America.


Empowering Racial Dynamics Training

Our racial dynamics training spans the course of the year and guides your team through the challenges of identifying and addressing racial stress in the workplace and fostering inclusion and diversity in your company.

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A Transformative Leadership Journey

Leaders are invited based on their desire to be a change-maker and ally in their organization or community. They are willing to advocate for inclusion, diversity and equity in the workplace.

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Cross-racial Fierce Conversations

Leaders will engage in fierce conversations. They are willing to grow and address unconscious biases in themselves and systemic racism.

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"EIA’s leadership team believes fostering inclusion in organizations is invaluable to business sustainability. Leveraging diversity and nurturing inclusion impacts innovation, collaboration, and response to the ever-changing global customer needs. 9Paths and the Urban League stand behind the diversity of thought being the driving force for a more positive organizational culture.”

Investing in High Potential African-American

Employees and Small Business Owners

Leverage Diversity

of Thought

  • Demographic and cultural competency training.

  • The effects of white culture on organizations.

  • Team diversity training.

Foster Inclusive


  • Training in identifying & eliminating unconscious biases.

  • Training for proteges to target and eliminate performance limiting behaviors, executive presence training and tools for racial fatigue in the workplace.

  • Guided facilitation to learn and practice engaging in racial conversations.





  • A DEI solution-focused project addressing systemic racism for implementation in Nashville, Tennessee. Each sponsorship pair will be assigned to subgroup in the cohort for the year. This subgroup will collaborate and present their project at the end of the year.

Equity In Action Logo


Equity in Action integrates the Enneagram as a guide for discovering unconscious bias and building sustainable relationships through strategic pairings of sponsors and protégés. The program has been granted accreditation from the International Enneagram Association (IEA) and delivered by IEA Accredited Professionals.


Fostering inclusion in organizations is invaluable to business sustainability.   EIA is a tangible way for Nashville business
leaders to not just give back to our local Black-owned business owners but to have the potential to change their lives for the better while, in turn, becoming a more self-aware person. Participants will receive a certificate in fostering
inclusion that recognizes their professional development in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

A Transformative Journey:


Become A

Strong Ally

To be a well-rounded people leader, diversity of thought needs engagement. Leaders of the majority must engage in help, support, and advocate for the minority. If leading boldly, allies hold power and the key to this engagement. Strengthen your allyship.

Strategic positioning for African-American/Black employee/business to address the inequities that impede visibility and slow advancement. Long-term career planning for success addressing individual ownership, engagement and reviewing upward and lateral career movement."

Providing Visibility

For High Profile


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Establishes mutually beneficial relationships within the cohort network, furthering exposure for opportunities.


Engaging In Fierce


Relationships are KEY to unlocking people’s success. Engaging in conversations around race requires trust in the relationship. After you have established trust in the relationship the second part of the discussion will take you deeper, allowing for growth and understanding.

Sustainable Sponsorship


Long-term sponsorship is key to any employee or small business owner's career. The sponsor's legacy benefits and the employee or small business owner gains consistency, strategy and upward mobility opportunities.

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